By now, you are likely aware of various ways that search engine optimization can improve your online presence. What you may not know is how to improve your existing SEO efforts if you’re not seeing the results you want.

The benefits of a strong SEO campaign are difficult to discount, with leads from SEO obtaining a 14.6 percent close rate, while outbound leads trail behind at 1.7 percent closed sales. Today, we’ll be walking through the ways that you can start improving your SEO efforts and ultimately improve your lead generation.

Keyword research

Identifying strong keywords is the first step in improving your SEO efforts. One of the biggest mistakes marketers make when selecting keywords is failing to take the time to study their competitors. Seventy-five percent of users never move past the first page of search results. That means if you don’t choose a keyword that has a chance of ranking on the first page, most of your audience won’t ever find your site through organic search. Instead, run some internal tests on search terms that relate to your product and see how your competitors are ranking. Owning similar terms will help you carve a niche in your industry and work to improve leads generated.

Development of content strategy

After the keyword research phase, it’s important to ensure that these terms are worked into the copy throughout your website, as well as integrating linked keywords throughout your website. Depending on the complexity of your website, this will likely be the most time consuming portion of solidifying your strategy. This is something that can either be done in-house or outsourced to a marketing partner like Movéo.

One tip to maximize your efforts is to update your keywords retroactively, throughout content pieces, past blogs and meta text. B2B companies that blog as part of their content strategy report 67 percent more leads per month than those who go without, which is something to keep in mind when building your content strategy.


Have you ever heard the phrase, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch”? This holds true in the early stages of your SEO efforts. Despite popular misconception, SEO is not a quick fix and you shouldn’t expect to see immediate pay off unless you invest in a short-term paid strategy. PPC works to remedy this slow start, as utilizing these two strategies in tandem can result in a 25 percent increase in link clicks. The good news is that even small amounts of money in the first few months can help your site rise in search engine ranks and ultimately make your SEO campaign more effective.

Decide on a metric

This is the simplest step on this list, but can be tricky for organizations to determine before launching an SEO campaign. Before your campaign gets up and running, it’s important to define what success means to your organization and set an expectation for monthly site traffic volume. While a company that sells a premium product, like radiology equipment, may see less site traffic than a company that sells office supplies, this doesn’t mean that the radiology company is worse off if they can turn over more high-value sales. Deciding on a metric beforehand will allow a company to realistically obtain their goals and compare results month-to-month.

Remember, the most successful SEO campaigns never truly end and will need to be kept up in order to maximize results. For more information on optimizing your SEO strategy, contact us.

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