High-performing healthcare CRM starts before the RFP

There’s no doubt that the need for enterprise-wide business intelligence is changing how organizations use their customer relationship management (CRM) systems. For healthcare systems with an accountable care model, the pressure is even greater to find a CRM vendor with the capabilities and sophistication to deliver significant ROI.

But that’s where things tend to go wrong — during selection. The vetting process and early implementation are key to setting the stage for success.

In fact, 50% of CRM purchases fail to meet management expectations. This is likely due, in part, to early critical steps such as requirements analysis, strategy, and internal cultural alignment – people, processes, goals, finances and technologies. Even after a robust CRM system is transitioned into an organization, those early decisions can impact its effectiveness. Stakeholders might not use the system’s full functionality or operate in silos. Marketing might not account for CRM limitations such as data duplication, nurture flow restrictions or disconnection from other marketing efforts. Old habits and a singular orientation to CRM can persist.

It makes sense to work through all requirements and challenges before your RFP process gets underway:

  • Create a roadmap for a customer-centric strategy and segments
  • Establish vision and usage requirements
  • Determine future considerations
  • Identify marketing automation needs
  • Prioritize functional specs
  • Determine operational readiness
  • Develop vendor selection criteria and scoring
  • Review vendor demos
  • Negotiate with vendors
  • Plan set up, integration and seamless data transition

Movéo has helped healthcare clients at every stage of the CRM process, from requirement workshops and coordination to vendor scoring and data transfers. Contact us to learn how we can help your organization maximize CRM investments to enhance patient experience, reduce costs and more.