Author archives: Movéo Team

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Living the Brand

Strong internal brands complement and leverage the power of their companies’ corporate brands. In many ways, they are employee manifestations of external branding. They set expectations for how employees should represent the company and how customers should be treated. They help employees commit to business and mission, because the value associated with their place of […]

Three ways to sustain your internal brand

For anything to thrive and grow, it must be nurtured. Believe it or not, this applies just as much to your internal brand as it does to your houseplant. To keep employees engaged and encourage them to consistently express brand promise to customers, make plans to sustain internal branding over the long term. Wondering how […]

Employment brand: deliver on promises

Companies typically view the benefits of employment branding to be talent acquisition and recruitment, but they run much deeper. The ultimate goals are increased revenues and profit margins. Your employment brand faces both outward to prospective hires and inward to current employees. However tempting it may be to focus your time and money on acquisition, […]

Talent acquisition – how to stand out from competition

Putting effort into your employment brand reaps great rewards for your company. It impacts your bottom line and gives customers a consistent brand experience. Luckily, when it comes to talent acquisition, employment branding makes you stand out from competition. You’ll become what every company wants to be — the top choice for top talent. Time […]

Three ways a strong employment brand impacts your company

On Monday, we discussed how strong employment branding leads to talent. It’s pretty straightforward, but today we’re taking it a step further. The benefits of fortifying your employment brand go far beyond recruitment and retention – straight to the bottom line. Three ways a strong employment brand directly impacts your company: 1. Increased revenues and […]

How internal branding leads to talent

Strong internal branding usually leads to another crucial piece of business success: a strong employment brand. While the two are similar, they have to be nurtured in separate ways. At their core, however, they have something important in common — employee empowerment. If you’re not sure how your company’s employment brand is doing, understanding the […]

Internal brand: a long-term commitment

Once you have support from the top for your internal branding campaign, next steps require some strategy and planning. After all, the brand is here to stay. The most important thing to accompany your campaign is long-term commitment, because the process unfolds over time. Internal branding starts with employee awareness and eventually leads to behavior. […]

Internal brand: not a program

If you’re leading the charge on internal branding at your company, igniting management’s support should be simple. As we discussed last week, that’s the first step. However, getting your employees committed to the internal brand can be a bit more challenging. For a successful campaign, key personnel in every department have to be on board. […]

The Brand Road Show

As we discussed Monday, the first step towards a strong internal brand is C-level support. Top executives must be responsible for driving the brand message internally and consistently over time. Wondering how leaders at your company can demonstrate brand value to employees? Just as you would externally, launch an integrated internal campaign that enables leadership […]

Internal branding: get support from the top

By now, you’re convinced of the impact of a strong internal brand. Companies who are internal brand powerhouses – think Apple and GE – have employees who make every single customer touchpoint an expression of their brand promise. And it makes a difference. Those companies have developed communities of devoted people eager to use their […]