Advertising on LinkedIn — a sure thing

When it comes to advertising, LinkedIn is the B2B marketer’s perfect match. Unlike other types of online advertising, LinkedIn allows marketers to reach individuals within a specific professional network, no matter how complex. Given the highly technical, niche nature of many B2B companies, it’s reassuring to know that advertising dollars have the potential to directly reach a prospect. Other online advertising relies on search history and website usage, which can be ambiguous in the B2B world, but LinkedIn accesses individuals who have self-identified into a targeted industry.

When you advertise on LinkedIn, you really get to know your target. You can explore profile information of prospects and trends within your niche to better understand your customer’s needs, allowing you to reach them with ads that will resonate — and ultimately provide a product to solve their problem.

Perhaps advertising intimidates you, because your B2B product is intended strictly for enterprise-level C Suite executives – or someone equally as targeted. LinkedIn is a great answer to this problem. And perhaps investing there will lead to insight that helps you better advertise elsewhere.

LinkedIn advertising isn’t necessarily always to sell your product. It can be an ideal place, for example, to post job openings. Responses tend to be attractive, because you can automatically access more professional information about an applicant than other third-party job sites allow. Interviews become more successful and time efficient when this type of screening happens before the first round.

Both in the product marketing and human capital departments, LinkedIn is worth the investment. Have you tried it? Let us know how it’s worked for you.

Image via (cc) A Name Like Shields Can Make You Defensive