Author archives: Brian Davies

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B2B Insights from Guy Kawasaki

Movéo was in the house as Guy Kawasaki, former Apple software evangelist and author of “Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds and Actions” spoke at this year’s Business Marketing Association conference (themed “Grow”). Kawasaki offered a number of suggestions to marketers to inspire the “enchantment” he said businesses need in order to succeed. These […]

The Five Laws of Content Part Three: The Law of Reputation

When it comes to managing a successful content marketing program, finding ways to meet demand for fresh content and overcoming the challenges of managing complex content streams are just the tip of the iceberg. You also have to build a reputation for your organization and the content you share. That’s why the third law of […]

The Five New Laws of Content Part One: The Law of Consumption

As promised, we’re delving into the first law of content from our “Five New Laws of Content” white paper today. The first and, for many organizations, the most challenging law, is the Law of Consumption. The Law of Consumption can be summarized as follows: As the rate of content consumption increases, the value of fresh […]

Introducing: The Five New Laws of Content

We’ve been thinking a lot about content here at Movéo. This makes sense, as we recently announced the addition of content marketing to our core offering, but we’re not the only ones with content on our minds. In fact, according to a recent Content Marketing Institute study, 9 out of 10 B2B companies are currently […]